Sunday, August 24, 2014

Mozart and the Whale

I bought Mozart and the Whale at the now closed down Hollywood video years back when I was still in high school. I remember there was a conflict between the two protagonists and they had to overcome it to be together. It wasn’t some stupid tragic love story, more like realizing things need work to work.

This entry is for the line I liked and didn't feel like throwing away.

Isabelle Sorenson: You can kiss my self-esteem butt, Donald Duck. Why tell your life story, and tell only the good parts?
Donald Morton: It's Donald Morton.
Isabelle Sorenson: You're missing my point!
Donald Morton: No I'm not! I just - never know what to say.

Watch the movie for more context or just take my word that it was decent. It will be a while before I forget Josh Hartnett in a whale suit. 
