Saturday, May 24, 2014

Health and Fried Green Tomatoes

I should make it a goal to write on here at least once a month.

What I hate about writing is I use "I" a lot, a lot. Most of my sentences start with it and I cringe looking at them all together. It's the disadvantage of being alone.

A good thing is that I am starting to think more positively about my image. I still don't know how to dress well, but I have few outfits that work that aren't t-shirts. You never really hear famous people talk about dieting and if you mention it to your friends its taken in a negative connotation. You're labeled as the stuck up prick who rather look good than eat whatever they want. It's true, I just don't think I'm going through great lengths to eat well. I like carrots and all that healthy stuff to begin with. I want that negativeness to go away.

And with that, I ate fried green tomatoes today and enjoyed it. That is until my stomach got upset from not being used to fried food.
Like many, I become a fan of media easily; actors, movies, books, TV shows, you name it. For a while I've made it my mission to find decent lesbian films, counting things with subtext such as Xena (lots of it). My newest addition is the book Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe and the movie based off of it. I have a crush on Idgie Threadegood.
Part of the book is about the women Idgie and Ruth, their relationship, running a cafe, and people surrounding them. While I wish there was more about the two, the book jumps forward to an elderly woman and a everyday housewife talking about the past and present. The housewife, Evelyn doesn't really know where she fits in society as things are changing all around her. It reminds me of Fight Club, the book that explores how men were trying to find their place as well.

I won't say anymore about it for now as it deserves a post all to it's self.

Some news on my end, I graduated two or three weeks ago in Civil Engineering. I'll be going back to school though or a Master's in Visualization so it doesn't really feel like the end. I do however feel like my life is in moratorium.

Hope I used that last word correctly,

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