Friday, March 22, 2013


Its official, I have surpassed 3,000 page views!!! This is by no means extraordinary, seeing as of now I have a total of three comments, but whatever I feel like celebrating and having a flimsy excuse for a giveaway. Yes you heard me, a GIVEAWAY!!!! 

This thing is going to be pretty open-ended, whereas I am not putting an expiration date nor am I putting a set amount of recipients. For one, I doubt that there are that many people reading this blog other than for the recaps I did of Dream High 2. Unfortunately unless I suddenly feel inspired or somebody asks me to cover a specific series, that might not happen again. I’ll still continue with mini-reviews and I have plans in store for different outlets of recapping. So if you exist, look forward to that. Secondly, with things so loose I will not feel too pressured to get things done. One day you may or may not receive the prize.

I know, not very promising..but who cares it’s a GIVEAWAY-ish!!!
So how to get the darned thing!

All you have to do is comment and I think the system leaves an email for me to follow up with, but if you want to include that, do it! I will email you if you are a winner (a totally random process), asking for your mailing address. If your uncomfortable sharing your information to a complete stranger write down your Grandma’s house for all I care. And that’s it! Be creative with your response if you want, but I doubt that enough people (if any) will reply for me to be picky.

The prizes!!!
  •  A signed autograph by me!! …Kidding, I will write you a nice letter; anything ranging from life in college to how the sky is blue. If you have a specific topic in mind that’s cool too, we could even be pen pals <3
  •  I created this cheesy Valentine’s Day card type thing that I never sent out, because I missed the date. Still, I feel like sharing it to the world. You’ll get a tiny low quality print of the thing along with a very belated Valentine’s Day message.
  •  I will draw almost anything you ask that’s within reason. Keep in mind that I am not the best cartoonist, so it might come out childishly cute or wonky. If it’s something realistic, I’ll need a reference. The drawing won’t be that large though so don’t go expecting a masterpiece to hang up on your wall.

I’ve been inspired to send out mail and thought this would be a good side project /outlet to do so. I have very low expectations on how this will turn out, but I am going to do it! So comment, comment, comment!!
…I think that’s it! 
