Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I once was on Good Morning America... I believe the year was 2014. 

I think I'm a Ravenclaw.

I like taking pictures of my shoes sometimes.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Short Irrelevant Post

Hello to all the cobwebs of the internet!

I've been okay. I graduated this past May 2017 and I'm currently in pursuit of a full time job. Definitely not happy times, but okay for what it is.

Just really wanted to post the following image that I found as I was clearing screenshots from my desktop.

Hope everything is good on your side and remember that it'd be cool to know of your existence.

Coool, cool cool, cool.


Friday, February 3, 2017

Fried Green Tomatoes - Quote

“Like I say, it just creeps up on you. One day you're young and the next day your bosoms and your chin drops and you're wearing a rubber girdle. But you don't know you're old.” 
― Fannie FlaggFried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Pum'kin Patch

I visited my first pum'kin patch last weekend. I wouldn't say it was a real one, but I am not even sure if real ones exist.

When someone says pumpkin patch do you imagine going to a field of pumpkins, finding the right one, and methodically cutting the stem? That's what I imagine.

The place I went was nothing like that. First, you pay 5$ to get in. Everyone is everywhere. A person sized train circled the lot with a bunch of kiddos riding and parents watching them. A tractor also circled with a bed of hay, hay ride. There were three piles of pumpkins, all pre-cut. Kids climbed to the top as parents took pictures. My older and younger brother joined in on the pile, looking for the perfect pumpkin. I stepped away to grab a small pie pumpkin; only 3.99$.

It was okay for what it was. Despite all the people and gimmicks, it got me in the spirit of halloween. I even wrote about it.

I wish I had cable so I can watch all the silly Halloween shows....


Monday, October 24, 2016

I'm Not A Morning Person

Note: I'm wondering what's better, lots of small posts or waiting around to see if I actually get my shit together and write something meaningful.

As the title says, I Am Not A Morning Person.

My family says it to me often. I know. It's just that I didn't really think about it until the other day when I was a bit of a grumpy gus to my brother and his girlfriend. I knew I was being grumpy but similar to getting drunk I felt outside of myself. I tried to be friendlier. It was forced.

Thinking about it, what would happen if I actually lived with someone? The sad truth...I can't imagine ever living with someone. I imagine wanting to have someone to be with, but fantasy about how it would be (even holding hands) has me scared.

Maybe that's what I wanted to talk about.

I had to blog about it.

I've tried to be active in the whole dating game, but I suck. If things start to get close I withdraw.

Tomorrow I will be meeting some guy that I met online at the school's library. I'm nervous about how awkward it will be. It's similar to my feelings about socials...I don't mind meeting new people and talking about whatever. What I do mind is going somewhere for the purpose of talking, making connections, whatever.

Enough rambling, talk to you later.


Thursday, October 6, 2016

What I'm Reading (10/06): American Gods

Book: American Gods
Author: Neil Gaiman

Upon seeing me reading Neverwhere (also by Neil Gaiman) someone recommended that I read American Gods next. He said it was even better. I bought it 30 pages from the ending of Neverwhere.

The book I bought was the Tenth Anniversary Edition. The cover looks cool, like a horror movie from back in the day, which isn't really that far back. The drawback, it came in the weirdest size. Like a brick. Bending the pages is a task.

I'm on chapter three - page 84. Not too far.


So far I know about Shadow and there's some supernatural force going on, but I can't quite grasp what it is. In that sense it is similar to Neverwhere. I spent a good chunk of the book trying to piece together what was happening. It kept me on my toes.

There is Shadow and ex-con who I just learned was sent to prison as a result of something he did as a favor to his wife. His wife died having an affair with his closest friend, but came back from the dead to let him know that she loved him and sex is sex. Shadow has been hired by a mysterious old man figure that has named himself Wednesday. I keep thinking of Wednesday Adams... A storm's a brewing. There are leprechauns, probably God's too, and maybe a Matrix type concept.

Excited to continue the journey!

Read it with me and let's make it a book club!!!

I tried to do one with a friend via snail mail. I read the book (The Alchemist)...well heard the book. It took forever in between letters to really get a good conversation going though.

Talk to you later,