Monday, October 10, 2011

Gumiho: Tale of a Fox's Child

Just finished watching Gumiho: Tale of a Fox’s Child. Oh, boy. It took me half a year to watch, because kept on getting bored. Do I regret watching/starting it?  More and more towards the end, but it still wasn’t as bad as some of the others I have seen. 
The story begins with a fox lady (Gumiho) and her child. They move in with a wealthy family as servants in order to have a nice place to live in. However the wealthy couple has ulterior motives; in order for their daughter to survive the woman's child must be sacrificed. After killing the girl the drama is all about revenge, well...their version of revenge. The woman could have just gone berserk and killed the shit out of the wrongdoers, but no. The drama has her sit back and idly watch things unfold (heh). During which there is this guy who decides to be her ally. Throughout the series I was waiting for some romance, or hell a freaking hug, but again no. He kind of was there as a guard dog. In the end, guess what? He dies. Practically everyone dies except the daughter of the wealthy family. You know the daughter they were trying to save by killing the other girl. The shit ass, snotty brat, whom by the end of the drama I was pleading for to die. She did not do one good deed, and she kept on sticking to her dad like glue. Her dad. The one who murdered a nine year old, killed some random guy, his wife, and started to go crazy... yea that guy. Some flipping role model. The only thing that I kind of liked was some of the surprise elements. I did not expect the mother to twiddle her flipping thumbs, or the lap dog to die, or the bitch daughter to survive, or the husband to kill the wife, or the shaman to be the shit ass person behind it all. It certainly is hard to predict random (and unbelievable?) plot twists, I kind of wished that they followed the typical route just a bit more. 
The fox lady should have gotten her revenge, and LIVED! I envisioned her learning some grand lesson and moving on with her life. Hell I wouldn't have minded the show ending with her set on killing all humans. I had little hope for her daughter, but I kind of wanted her to take over the snot nosed girl’s body. I guess in the end I didn’t really mind. She had her time. That being said I would rate the drama (o shit am I rating now?) a tentative 6 out of 10. A six because I finished the damn thing, but of course Pride would have to be an exception to the whole finishing a drama policy. Pride would get a solid 3 out of 10, and that’s because I am being generous. Hell lets lower it to a 2. Overall the tale was a roller-coaster, for a couple of episodes I was like oh hell no, no she didn’t. Other episodes, well...there was no emotion other than gah! Those episodes were condensed (I skipped scenes) heavily. 
Would I watch it again if I could do it all over? Sadly, yes. Only because it did not take up too much time and I learned to multitask. Would I be able to watch it again within a week? Shit no.

After watching the series I realized that the actress who played the Gumiho was the "other" woman in Full House. I still feel kind of sad knowing the acting gap between her, Rain, and Song Hye Kyo.
When I first wrote this I never mentioned the horrible Gumiho costumes...and the was bad. 

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