Sunday, September 29, 2013

White Christmas Episode 1 and 2 Mini Recap

Scary shit has never been my cup of tea. You know that movie Disturbia with Shia LeBeouf? The boy finds out that his neighbor is killing people, stashing bodies in his garage. Well when I saw it in theaters I had a jacket over my head with a small hole to peek through. Granted that was many years ago it's the gist of how much of a wimp I am, not that I mind. Another time I was watching The Woman in Black with a group of friends and a lovely cat sitting in my lap. At one part this bird pops up out of nowhere which caused me to jump in surprise which probably scarred the once content cat for life as he bolted up the stairs not to be seen for the remainder of the day. Knowing this about myself, for stupid reasons, I have put myself in the line of fire by deciding to put my declaration against scary/thriller media to a temporary end. It started with the French zombie-type thriller Les Revenants moving on to the South Korean drama White Christmas. What I’m willing to watch for six handsome boys…
You might counter that the series is not that scary. Well, I’m a scaredy-cat.

The episode starts with the talk of monsters and my man Baek Sung Hyun looking stoic. I’ve followed him since Tree of Heaven, a time where getting hit by cars or cancer were the norm. There was no such thing as a happy ending. It’s Christmas break at the most prestigious high school ever. We’re talking about the top 1% here. Seven students and one teacher decide to stay behind. The first episode spends a majority of its time setting up the characters, revealing that they have all received an anonymous letter foreshadowing death. Some students speculate the meaning, but for the most part they don’t take it too seriously. One creepy night they discover a bloody man at the school’s gate. Not thinking hey this man can be dangerous because this is pretty much how all horror themed media goes, they let him in. Out of the seven students there is only one girl (Eun-Sung). At the end of the episode she attempts to commit suicide, exactly where the letter predicted. Coincidence? Maybe not.

Eun-Sung lives another day. The creepy man is still there. My gosh, just looking at him gives me the chills. More character development is done, which I would love to share with you, but well I’ve sort of got a life now. You should just watch it instead, it’s worth it…DO IT NOW! The whole episode revolves around finding the person who wrote the mysterious letter, back stories, scary looks, and the start of teenage angst. I’ve got to say this was the first episode in the series that I had to pause the show and take a breather due to the creepy factor rising. One moment you think the boy is all alone in his room and the next BAM there’s a hand on the chair. The episode ends with the viewer discovering that the teacher has a note as well. No one is safe.  
What I love about the show is that by prolonging the inevitable death the viewer is constantly on defense wondering when it’s going to happen. And it’s not like the romantic comedies that string you along for ages wondering when the two will end up together, because the character development and the environment they live in are fleshed out enough to keep you invested.

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