Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Dream High 2: Episode 9 (Recap?)

EPISODE NINE (misunderstanding, angst, Hae-Sung comes back):

JB rushes over and Hae-Sung looks onward, panicked. The boys head to the hospital and Hae-Sung stays with her sister. At the hospital, Rian shoos JB away stating that her health is none of his concern (basically more misunderstanding…AGGGHH!).  After JB leaves, Yoo Jin becomes sort of a mediator and says that JB was really worried. I don’t think JB ever returns to Hae-Sung, he just appears back at school in later scenes… Momma Rian comes in all pissed that her precious daughter has been humiliated, venting out on Lee Kang-Chul  (aka the agency’s boss and the director of Kiran Arts High School) who refutes that Rian just choked, which is true… Meanwhile Hae-Sung and Yoo Jin have a nice chat at the hospital and he asks for her to come back. She declines.

As a side story a new band of misfits has formed, consisting of Yoo Jin and Hae-Sung (they are eagerly awaiting her return) and three of their friends plus Lee Kang-Chul’s daughter. As they practice their teacher (Choi Yeo-Jin) begs for a hint for the competition (a bet that had been made between the upper and lower class…it’s a blur). Getting rejected she leaves and gets scoffed at by the upper class teacher (Ahn Tae-Yeon – Kahi) on her way out to the hallway. Later JB and Yoo Jin meet up and some cute bickering over Hae-Sung ensues, followed by Yoo Jin realizing that he had once met JB during their auditions. When they met JB was called average, but Yoo Jin cheered him up, since then JB had vowed to beat him (which makes no sense seeing as Yoo Jin was being nice, at least that’s how I took it). Their bickering has turned from something made from unwarranted animosity to that of childish chest puffing, which is kind of funny.

The two groups then begin to decipher the hidden message for the challenge, the word “Rain”. Upper class learns that “Rain” is a metaphor for tears or sadness and lower class scratch their heads, stumped. Somewhere within the last two episodes (probably the same episode that announced the challenge…) it was made clear that Yoo Jin was chosen to be in the new super idol group; and in this episode it is learned that he was chosen only to make JB work harder and shine more. Is that trouble I smell??! On another note, Hae-Sung is asked to be on a radio show for her song (the one that Yoo Jin and Rian played in episode 7) by Wonder Girls member Yenny. To her surprise she meets Rian who acts like they are friends and Hae-Sung goes along with her lies, even shocking her(because nothing hurts more than realizing you’re an ass). Hae-Sung returns to school, having gained energy from her song's publicity, though it seems a bit like a cop out. After having heard Hae-Sung’s song Yeo-Jin finds out the meaning to the code word and the group gets to practicing. Insert more lovey dovey scenes between JB and Hae-Sung…sigh. After their outing she comes back transformed (wearing different clothes and a little more makeup) and Yoo Jin pouts. Later JB goes to Hae-Sung’s and Rian’s room for the former only to find the latter (meaning...more hurt feelings!! aslkfjlksdjg!?!?@#), she asks if he likes Hae-Sung and he replies that all he knows is that he wants to be near her (so apparently the confession that occurred last episode was pointless?) and coincidentally Hae-Sung is also there to overhear. The show ends with the lower class performing their song about being B (or average), but being okay with it as well. I will admit that it was cute, but not jaw dropping…none the less everyone loves it.

Summing things up, Hae-Sung comes back, JB and Rian’s relationship is as broken as ever, Yoo Jin is still getting nothing, and with a little effort (which should have been made from the get go) lower class can bring it. So little plot development, though my recap (?) is lengthier due to the shorter time gap between watching the episode and writing about it.

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