Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dream High 2 Recap: Episode 14

EPISODE FOURTEEN (nothing happens…seriously):

     In the last installment of We-can’t-make-up-our-mind-EVER-resulting-in-dumb-choices-on-our-part, or Dream High 2, Hae-Sung breaks up with JB. However he is against it and on his way to change her mind gets hit (or nearly hit) by a truck.  Hae-Sung sees the whole thing and at the hospital sobs her eyes out while holding onto their spoon.
     Meanwhile Rian approaches her mom, assuming that the whole scandal with the counterfeit goods was just a misunderstanding. Her mom says nothing and the police take her away. Just as a flock of reporters run to approach her, she gets a message about JB being hospitalized. At the hospital, Rian runs up to Hae-Sung yelling that Hae-Sung promised that she would protect him. So, it is her fault…? Hae-Sung says nothing and Yoo-Jin comes to her rescue, saying Rian knows that Hae-Sung isn’t to blame. The doctors eventually come out, stating that JB has torn his ACL, which would thus hinder him from difficult activities. But, isn’t that something from sports injuries, not getting slammed by a truck?! It just seems dumb…
     Back in the head honchos domain, Jae-In declares that the competition will go on, and Ji-Soo tries to refute. But like always, Jae-In gets his way. Off on a wild tangent, Hong Joo and Nana are seen singing a duet, reminiscing on old memories. Ji-Woo walks in on the two; shocked. He even discovers that they now don matching couple bags.
     Yoo-Jin enters Hae-Sung’s room in an attempt to cheer her up, but she will hear nothing of it. He reminds her that JB is fine and offers to visit him with her. At the least, she could cry, he says. She replies that she has no right, although she was doing so a couple of scenes ago... Yoo-Jin picks her up from under the desk (where he found her) and takes her out into the hall.  He tells her they should just do what they can at the moment, but she looks away. 
     As Rian leaves the hospital she is again surrounded by reporters, however this time she agrees to make a statement. She starts by saying that she is the breadwinner of the family and that although singing is fun, it is a job. She continues that her mom was under financial strain and in some ways a victim. Regarding JB, she says that everything about their relationship is nothing but a rumor and that they are only good friends.  One reporter thanks her, while slipping in a question about JB’s ability to perform. She leaves the reporter hanging, gets lost in thought, and after a few seconds runs back into the hospital. She gets to JB’s room and begins to lightly hit him, telling him to put on his shoes and try to run away from her again (I think I recall something about shoes in earlier episodes, so I am guessing this is a continuation?). She starts to cry and admits that she was wrong for hating on him; he starts to tear up as well. Things zoom out, and we find that Hae-Sung is watching the two, though she leaves before she is noticed. That same night Rian comes up with lyrics while watching JB sleep, after which a montage of nice moments ensues.
     At class, the teacher asks the students about the progress with their songs. The two love struck fools (Ji-Woo and Hong-Joo ) simultaneously declare that they will sing for Nana. The rest say what they have chosen as well. On Hae-Sung’s turn she says she will sing a song for JB, immediately sparking fire with Rian, because she intends to do the same. Afterwards, she approaches Hae-Sung stating that she assumed Hae-Sung had gotten the point; stay away from JB. Hae-Sung just smiles, and says stuff about fate and Rian singing twice. Hae-Sung then heads to Jae-In’s office and tells him that she doesn’t belong on stage and that she would like to give it back. So basically, she intends to drop out and give her position to a certain someone…it’s kind of obvious but they are trying to make it out like it’s not, which just confuses people (ME!!). Sigh.
     In another scene Yoo-Jin visits his mom (only two episodes or so after his first attempt, no biggie…) and Rian is there for moral support. His mom recognizes him instantly but the two don’t say much. As they leave Rian tells him that he needs to be nice to his mom, because there is no one in the world who doesn’t need a mother’s love.  Since when did she become such a softie?
     It’s now the day of the competition. For some reason, Rian decides to wish Hae-Sung good luck and she does the same. Now they are friends?!  Back at the hospital JB begins to eat a meal, only to notice the chopsticks and a spoon; and almost by fate Hae-Sung enters the room. Teary eyed she hands him sheet music and says she has a favor to ask him. What could it possibly be…Meanwhile Yoo-Jin goes to his mom’s shop to drop off a ticket for the performance; she looks at it pondering what to do.  
     Lee Seul and her love interest Ui-Bong (sorry for not mentioning him, this show has many small characters) are the first to go on stage. I thought this was a solo thing?! The two perform a very upbeat song and I can’t help but roll my eyes. The whole performance is for her dad (Director Lee Kang-Chul), who she wishes to see eye to eye with. She even gets off stage and hands him a balloon, finally revealing to everyone that she is his daughter. People are in awe, but are mostly captivated by the performance. The two end with an arm heart. Okay…it’s kind of cute!
     Backstage the teachers look for the students, as they do Hae-Sung asks if it is okay if she goes onstage now.  Damn, she just poofs around, hospital one moment school the next.  She gets on stage, making a heart-felt speech, eventually spilling the beans. She is giving up her spot to JB.  No way. At her cue a screen that connects to the hospital is dropped down and JB prepares to take the stage or in this case hospital floor. He begins to sing and Rian joins in. I will admit, it sounds good. Why, oh why, didn’t we have more of this?! The two exchange glances throughout. Somehow Rian’s mom has gotten out of jail, and she smiles at the scene. Hae-Sung tears up a little. All the while Jae-In looks on, impressed. Thinking that they had been clever all along, the show goes ahead and explains what Hae-Sung had to do to make things happen. She had told Rian the whole thing beforehand, explaining their friendly encounter off stage. Also she had told JB that she was going to sing with him, playing the switcheroo at the last minute.

Despite the accident, Hae-Sung is still the noble idiot and eventually relinquishes her spot to JB…yup that’s it. 

I don’t know if it was obvious as I had made it out to be, but the secrecy revolving Hae-Sung and her plan was just stupid. We know what’s going to happen, why pretend to hide it? What really bugged me is realizing that this show has opted to focus more on JB and Rian, when it has so much potential with Yoo-Jin and Hae-Sung. And when I say “focus”, I mean they just have more scenes. In truth this show focuses on nothing, it jumps around like a candy induced child in a toy store; and in result I feel little connection to anyone. Just look at Yoo-Jin, who is meeting his mom after years of her absence; that should stir me but it doesn’t! At this point I just want to finish things and move on with my life, and it might seem like I am hating or trolling; but I am sorry, it’s just how I feel.

I don’t know if anyone is reading this, but for some reason my page view counter has gone up a little recently, by which I mean two or three a day…Anyways, if you are out there, please comment. Just say ‘hey, I exist’; you know? And if you like what I write please spread the word.
On another note, I have two episodes left, if there is any dramas that you would like covered (doesn’t matter the country, I am pretty much open) let me know.

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