Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dream High 2 Recap/Summary: Episode 15

EPISODE FIFTEEN (loose ends start to get tied, kind of)

     Rian and JB finish their song and Hae-Sung smiles at the two. Back stage Ji-Woo pouts as he sees Nana approach Hong-Joo to help him get ready to go onstage. Rian approaches Hae-Sung (I guess she can warp to and from places as well…) and says that she takes back her lack of faith in her. She also suggests that Hae-Sung get out there and meet up with JB. When Hae-Sung finds him he pretends to pout, because she didn’t tell him Rian was going to sing instead of her. He says to make it up to him she should buy him a meal. Things switch back to Hong-Joo who sings about being sunflower (?) and the show has an animation to accompany it. I normally don’t mind his voice, but here it was just ordinary, there was no hook really. 
     As Hong-Joo finishes Yoo-Jin spots his mom in the crowd, but she gets embarrassed and heads out to leave. He catches up to her and tells her that she must listen to his song first. On stage, he explains to everyone that he was the one who left (making him a runaway) and that he would basically like to make amends by dedicating his performance to his mom. What his reasons for leaving were, I do not know. Everyone applauds, including his mom. Afterwards Rian tells him that he did well, squeezing his cheeks as she does (there is hope for them yet!!).
     Hae-Sung and JB are out sharing a meal and JB admits that he is not ready to give up on their relationship; at least till his leg heals. She eventually agrees.  On stage Jae-In announces the winners of the competition; Ui-Bong, Hong-Doo, Ji-Woo, Ailee, Yoo-Jin, and Rian. So basically everyone…He also says that since Nana and JB are not well at the moment, they can try again when they are. He continues with the promise that he will choose one of the new Super Idols to headline some tour at a later date.
     Later, Jae-In approaches Hae-Sung about her abilities as a composer and offers her an internship along with a college application. However, she must act within the month. She begins to show doubt, but he tells her that she shouldn’t kick down the opportunity now that she has found her calling. 
     On a tangent, director Lee Kang-Chul starts questioning his daughter (Lee Seul) about colleges, to which she replies that she wants to be an idol manager and that doesn’t require college. That kind of came out of nowhere. Like any normal parent, he objects, but eventually comes up with a compromise. She can manage the newly selected Super Idols and within that time she must book at least one event. Meanwhile, at class, the students are purposely finding faults with each other, while looking for the good that comes out of them. Everyone has something for Yoo-Jin and when it comes to Rian, they call her out for being a jerk. Ha! She huffs in response. And to further her slight annoyance, they conclude that there is no bright side to that. And I find it refreshing, that the show is willing to have her to admit her obvious personality flaw. As they continue Lee Seul runs into the room, announcing her new position.
     At the hospital the doctor tells JB that he will have problems with his foot for a long time. Hae-Sung overhears some of the conversation, beginning to worry because she has to leave him soon. To make things worse JB overdramatizes the condition of his foot, hoping to make her feel bad and stay by him in result. The two head to school where Rian sets up a mock interview with JB, in order to prepare the group for ones they may have in the future. She pokes fun at him by asking about the truth in some fake rumors; is Ui-Bong a better dancer, did Rian  break up with him, and is Hae-Sung really dating Yoo-Jin. JB jumps up at the last one (yes, even with a torn ACL), getting ready to fight Yoo-Jin but Hae-Sung waves her arms out in protest. Everyone chuckles. During Yoo-Jin’s interview, JB toys with him as well and asks if he really got rejected by Hae-Sung after confessing his love. Flustered, Yoo-Jin immediately gets after Hae-Sung for sharing that story, however JB didn’t know that really happened. Thus JB once again gets defensive. Again everyone laughs. Overall the scene was pretty campy, which I liked.
     Alone, Hae-Sung holds up an admission letter and is both elated and shocked to find out that she has been accepted into the university. As she continues to stare at it, Yoo-Jin comes in, finds out the news, and congratulates her (while teasing). However she says she isn’t going. He calls her out for sounding forced and tells her that she should just go for it. 
    Things switch to a dressing room back stage, where the Super Idols are preparing for a performance. Rian walks near Yoo-Jin and begins to poke and tease him. As she does Hae-Sung and JB come in and he asks if the two are dating. They both look at him in shock, Rian says they are just friends, but Yoo-Jin takes the opportunity to potentially make JB jealous and says that they are closer than that. He teases him further by demanding that JB kneel down (they had made a bet in previous episodes) but he then remembers that JB is injured. He lightheartedly declares that JB had planned it all, in order to get out of it. Finally the group gets on stage and the track for “Touch” (by Miss A) plays in the background, however before they start to sing the scene ends. Way to leave me hanging…
     Jae-In calls JB and tells him about Hae-Sung’s admittance into Berkley, and tells him that he believes she is doing it for him. JB later approaches her and begins by saying that his foot is all healed (well that didn’t take long) and it is okay for them to break up. He then goes about a metaphor of a kite, and wishes that he would send off in a similar fashion. She tears up a bit and he hands her a rubixs cube (the one she had given him when his mother had died). And just like that the two are no longer a couple.
     While packing up, Hae-Sung reminisces about her time with JB. During which she finds the “K” pendant. I don’t know if I mentioned its existence, but yes, it is the same one from the previous season. It just seems meaningless at this point. She then goes to Rian and offers it to her along with her friendship. Rian accepts both, and takes the opportunity to ask Hae-Sung about what she has that made JB flock to her. Hae-Sung simply replies that Rian comes off as perfect, leaving little room for another person to fill her up. She basically tells her to get the stick out of her ass, nicely of course.
    The day has come for which Hae-Sung leaves school to go home, and Yoo-Jin watches in the distance as she leaves with her dad and sister. When they get to her house she is gloom. Back at school, Yoo-Jin approaches JB and calls him out for not properly sending her off.  He gets the message and runs off to do so. 
     Apparently there is a new competition among the Super Idols, this time for the chance to headline a tour and produce an album. Backstage, Ji-Soo asks where JB is, but no one has a clue. It is then discovered that this day also happens to be the same one in which Hae-Sung departs to the states. Her dad gives her some parting words, saying that she has accomplished enough by just being her daughter. Things go back to the performance, with Rian in the spotlight as she dances (no singing?) Meanwhile JB thinks over the parting letter that Hae-Sung left him as he heads towards the airport. Hae-Sung looks around, expecting, and JB arrives, running to find her. All the while Hae-Sung’s voice plays, where she talks about God leaving out something in human’s lives that they must find as they go along. She wonders if JB is that thing. Just as the dialogue finishes he finally reaches her and says she no longer has to worry about him. The two hug and tear up, but part smiling and the episode ends. 

Pretty much everyone makes the Super Idol team, even JB and Nana, who are given an extended deadline due to injuries. Hae-Sung gets offered to go to college, in order to pursue a career as a lyricist, and accepts it. Things lightly simmer between Yoo-Jin and Rian, while Hae-Sung and JB finally call it quits. 

I have pretty much given up on any sort of coherent plot or anything good for the matter. But the shoddiness of their timeline really gets on my nerves. For goodness sake, JB just tore his ACL and a month later he is seen running and dancing again. Then there is the whole send off, didn’t JB go off to say his goodbyes before the day of the new competition, when Yoo-Jin told him to? Where did that day go?! Speaking of which, it seemed like they had said pretty much the same thing when JB agreed to break up with her. Sigh. Another thing that bothered me, was Hae-Sung going to college in the states, it just seemed random, you know? Perhaps if they set it up in a way that made it seem like something she had always wanted to do. The good points about this episode surprisingly came from Rian and Yoo-Jin, whom are adorable together. I especially loved the scene where he jokingly uses her to make JB jealous, it was cute and a bit petty (in a good way). 

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